€190,000 handed over by ICOS to Irish Red Cross for Yemen
The generosity of Glanbia Ireland and fellow Co-operative Dairy Farmers recognised as €190,000 handed over by ICOS to Irish Red Cross for Yemen.
Leaders of co-operatives from all over Ireland, including Glanbia Ireland Chairman, John Murphy, joined ICOS in an online ceremony in the past days to transfer €190,000 to the Irish Red Cross Yemen appeal.
Scores of Glanbia Ireland farmers and their families were among the many who dug deep and supported the campaign. An additional €105,000 was also donated by other companies and individuals in the dairy supply chain in support of the worthy initiative.
Pressing the button for the transfer of €190,000 to the Irish Red Cross, ICOS President, Jerry Long, said: “This is a very significant gesture of solidarity by the dairy farmers of Ireland, along with their co-operatives and milk purchasers, to recognise and respond to the plight of those significantly less fortunate than ourselves.
“The inception of this initiative comes down to the passion of one man, Mike Magan, who reached out to ICOS among others, with his idea to respond to a shocking human tragedy that was emerging in Yemen. Its success was then assured as co-op leaders and farm families across the country responded magnificently, each using methods appropriate to their own structure, to raise the necessary funds.”
Mr Long continued: “It’s important to acknowledge the fruits of the campaign, and to thank the farmers of Ireland, and their co-ops and milk processors, for responding so generously and we are privileged to make this donation on their behalf to the Irish Red Cross, which carries out immensely valuable work in the interests of humanity.”
John Murphy, Glanbia Ireland Chairman, said: “We’re very proud of our dairy suppliers who answered the call to this appeal to deliver humanitarian aid in Yemen through the Irish Red Cross. Irish co-operative members play an important and generous role in supporting communities both at home and abroad. I would finally like to extend a message of thanks to Mike Megan, ICOS and the Irish Red Cross for coming together to make this initiative a great success.”
Trevor Holmes, Secretary General, Irish Red Cross said: “The people of Ireland have always shown their generosity, particularly in times of famine and crisis for others. It is very moving and appropriate that this level of donation came about through the initiatives and generosity of primary food producers in Ireland where the Irish Red Cross will now use these resources to support families and communities in Yemen. On behalf of the Irish Red Cross and our international organisation, I thank the dairy farmers and co-operatives of Ireland.”
Mike Magan said: “I’m humbled but not surprised by the wonderful response of the dairy farming community and others who have donated to this cause. We live in a land of plenty, and have very significant resources. While our country currently has its own major health crisis, the crisis in other countries is magnified a hundredfold, so I thought why not share some of our good fortune? I’ve been blown away by the response and I send my warmest appreciation to farmers, co-operatives, members of the public and everyone who has supported this call.”