Supporting our Communities
Glanbia Ireland has been eager to support our communities in facing the challenges of Covid-19. Our team members have been working to help local groups across the areas where we work and live.

Pictured is milkman John Nolan making a delivery of Avonmore Protein Milk and Moojus to the staff at St Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny, which was received by Catherine Griffin and Brigid O’Neill.
We have been providing some of our nutritious range to community groups, donating supplies of vital PPE equipment to nursing homes and making premium products available to help sustain frontline staff during their brief respite from the essential work being done in our hospitals.
Members of the Glanbia Ireland team have been working with groups in our local communities, both through our charity partner FoodCloud and by making direct donations.
Since the start of the year we have donated over 37,000 units of food to charitable organisations through FoodCloud – a 76% increase on last year.
We are working with organisations such as Meath Leader Programme to donate some of our nutritious products for food hampers going to families in need. The food packs are being assembled by Gardai and Civil Defence for distribution.

In addition, some nursing homes, special needs facilities and day centres in our catchment area were experiencing PPE gear shortages and sourcing difficulties. Our procurement team sourced packs of much-appreciated equipment, such as masks, gowns and sanitisers, that were distributed to the centres.
We will continue to play our part in supporting our communities through these challenging times.